OES Inclement Weather Emergency Plan
Optional classroom check-in:
At 9:30 AM, teachers will be available for a remote online check-in with students and answer any questions. Teachers will use Google Classroom. It is anticipated that some students won't be able to sign in. Therefore, teachers may also use ClassDojo or contact families (students by phone).
Teachers have created a choice board of activities or other activities, set up Google Classrooms, and distributed student books for the GO MATH series. Students will receive a 2 pocket folder with activities to complete if virtual days are required and students are unable to access online assignments.
The choice boards can be used for up to 3 days before the need to update arises.
The choice board will need to be updated if we are out for more than 3 days in a row.
The activities that are presented to the students are easily updated, and if there are multiple days off, activity boards will be updated by the teacher and sent to students via class tag, Google Classroom, and email.
Course work completed during virtual days needs to be returned on the next in person school day.
6th Grade:
5th Grade:
4th Grade:
3rd Grade:
2nd Grade:
1st Grade:
We will communicate with our families through ClassTag, email, and ClassDojo regarding updated assignments and requirements for Virtual Days.