Welcome to the Human Resources Page of Northampton County Public Schools!

Contact Us:
Email: mhall@ncpsk12.com
Phone: 757-678-5151 Ext 2001
Fax: 1-757-299-1804
Staff Members:
Click on the contact name to see their contact details:
Clara Chandler: Director of Human Resources
Amber Johnson: HR Administrative Assistant
Melissa Hall: Front Desk Administrative Assistant
Samuel Oleynik: Communications and Parent Engagement Coordinator
Contact Dr. Lisa Martin at lmartin@ncpsk12.com
The Northampton County School Board is an equal opportunity employer, committed to non-discrimination in recruitment, selection, hiring, pay, promotion, retention, or other personnel action affecting employees or candidates for employment. Therefore, discrimination in employment against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, political affiliation, sex, gender, gender identity, age, marital status, genetic information, or disability is prohibited. Personnel decisions are based on merit and the ability to perform the essential functions of the job, with or without reasonable accommodation.
Substitute Positions
Operations Positions
Human Resource Links

If you are interested in substituting as a Bus Driver, Bus Monitor, Car Driver, Custodian, or Cafeteria Worker, please click here to apply: NCPS Substitute Application.
There are Qualifications to substitute as a Bus Driver, Bus Monitor, Car Driver, Custodian, or Cafeteria Worker:
Please bring the following on Training Day: Proof of High School Diploma/GED/Degree, Driver's License, Valid Passport, Social Security Card or Birth Certificate, and a $37.00 Check or Money Order made payable to Northampton County Public Schools (cost of processing background checks.) If you are interested in receiving the direct deposit, please bring a voided check.
NOTE: Any negative information from your Central Registry paperwork and/or fingerprints may result in disqualification of employment with Northampton County Public Schools.
If you have any questions please contact Amber Johnson, (757) 678-5151 Ext. 2102 or email ajohnson@ncpsk12.com.
Making an Absence in Frontline
Child Abuse and Neglect Recognition and Intervention Training
Emergency First Aid, CPR & AED Certification or Training
Behavior Intervention and Support Training
Building a More Inclusive School Community
Virginia History or State and Local Government Module
Virginia Department of Education
HR Forms:
Licensing Renewal Information:
Teacher Re-Certification/License Renewal
Financial Information:
Information about compensation, benefits, holidays, requesting leave, and other financial information can be found by clicking here.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Anthem’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides quick and easy access to work/life support, confidential counseling, and referral services to help you deal with daily work and life challenges. It’s employer-sponsored, so it’s available at no cost to you, your dependents, or household members.
The Anthem EAP program addresses a variety of issues, including:
Resources to support work/life balance
Legal concerns
Financial issues
Child and elder care needs
Dealing with critical events
Emotional well-being
To get in contact with the program, please call EAP at (800) 647-9151 or go to www.anthemEAP.com