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Northampton High School

Here you will be able to find useful links, schedules, resources, and more (even the lunch menu)!

Find our Staff Here

Principal: Mr. Gary Clark

Asst. Principal: Ms. Erica Quintana

Asst. Principal: Mr. William Coleman-Pender

16041 COURTHOUSE RD Eastville, VA 23347

School Office Hours: 7:15-4:00

Student Hours: 7:40-2:45

School Phone: (757) 678-5151 x4103

Office Fax: 1-804-381-6470

Guidance Fax: 1-757-401-6217

Principal's Message:

Greetings Parents and Guardians, My name is Mr. Clark and it is truly my pleasure to serve as Principal for Northampton County High School. Just a fun fact about myself, I am a graduate of Northampton County High School in North Carolina. My goal this year will be to meet as many people as possible and develop strong working relationships with the staff and students, as well as parents and community members. I invite you to be a part of the discussions that lead to common resolutions for our students as those discussions arise. It takes a collaborative effort from all stakeholders to ensure students receive a quality education. Here at Northampton High School we will be dedicated to providing a learning environment that focuses on quality Instruction while also creating a Climate & Culture that will be conducive to learning. While providing excellent instruction and learning experiences, it also takes commitment from each family to have your student present at school each day. Our students will have access to all we have to offer, and we will work hard to ensure each student receives the support required for achievement! When students return to school, we will have a student code of conduct meeting for each grade level. We will review students’ academic expectations, the school cell phone policy, behavior expectations, and our school dress code policy. All required information will be on the school or division website. Please read and discuss all information with your child to ensure he or she understands all expectations. All students will be responsible for reading and following all district policies during the course of the school year. Attendance To assist you in your parental and legal duties, and in order for us to comply with attendance laws as it pertains to school-age children attending school daily, we are initiating protocols to address truancy concerns as they rise. To make certain that each of our students gets the best possible learning experience, they must be present every day. We urge you to do the following if your child has to be absent: notify the school of the student’s absence on the day of the absence, send written correspondence from the doctor, a parent note or note of reference that you and your child had official business to take care of when the student returns. Every absence will be considered unexcused until a written explanation has been turned into the attendance office. I'm looking forward to working with you all for the benefit of your students. We the Northampton County High Family are looking forward to having an outstanding year.

Principal, G. D. Clark  

News and Events:

NHS Schedules


Click to download/print our food menu.

Parent Night 2025 Resources

General Information:

Each special education case manager is responsible for transition planning and coordination

Parents, if you have any questions about your student's special education transition planning and coordination please see your student's case manager:

Shavonne Ruffin:

Joshuan Ramos:

Carmelita Jurado:

Marina Bell:

2025-2026 Program of Studies

Tutoring Services Available to NHS Students !

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Please join NCPS on Social Media!




Educating All Students For Lifelong Success


We are strong. We are bold. We are the mighty blue and gold. Today we will soar to success in our home hive because, as Northampton students, we have Yellow Jacket Pride.


Northampton County Public Schools Inspiring Learners for Life through achievement and success! Every Child, Every Day.


Eastville, VA 23347


Contact Info:

Phone: (757) 678-5151
Office Fax: 1-804-381-6470
Guidance Fax: 1-757-401-6217