School Activity Funds (SAF) are held by a school in a trustee capacity or as an agent for students, club organizations, teachers, and the general administration of the school. They are managed at the school level under the supervision of the Principal and are audited on an annual basis.
The basic purpose for the collecting or raising and expending of activity funds must be for the direct benefit of the students or for the general benefit of the school. SAF is comprised of all funds derived from extracurricular school activities, including, but not limited to, entertainment, athletic contests, facilities fees, club dues, vending machine proceeds that are not deposited in the school nutrition program account, and all other funds from activities of the school involving personnel, students, or property.
Each school has been delegated the accounting responsibility for the SAF and it must comply with the guidelines and procedures required by these regulations. There is one bookkeeper at each school who reports to the School Principal. The Principal and Bookkeeper are responsible for processing SAF transactions and ensuring adherence to the School Activity Fund Handbook. The School Bookkeepers are:
Occohannock Elementary School - TBD
Kiptopeke Elementary School - TBD
Northampton High School - Cathy Fox
School Activity Fund Bookkeeping Handbook
This document outlines the requirements of employees responsible for handling School Activity Funds (SAF), as well as the processes and procedures in place for collecting, reporting and reviewing SAF activity.
2014-15 School Activity Fund Audit Report - All Schools
2015-16 School Activity Fund Audit Report - All Schools
2016-17 School Activity Fund Audit Report - All Schools
2017-18 School Activity Fund Audit Report - All Schools
2018-19 School Activity Fund Audit Report - All Schools
2019-20 School Activity Fund Audit Report - All Schools
2020-21 School Activity Fund Audit Report - All Schools
2021-22 School Activity Fund Audit Report - All Schools