Technology Department
Network Administrator
Daniel Wirth
(757) 678-5151 x2502
Naomi Collins
(757) 678-5151 x2503
William Stauffer
(757) 678-5151 x2504
Brandy Simms
(757) 678-5151 x2505
A.J. Ward
(757) 678-5151 x2501
Click here to submit a trouble ticket. Tickets can range from broken or damaged devices, requesting a PD or asking a question of the Technology Department.
Student Device Initiatives:
Classroom Station Program:
Currently, students in grades K–1 have access to computer stations in their classrooms. There are, on average, between 5 and 10 computers per classroom. Students also have access to a school computer lab, which has one computer per student.
Classroom Computer Cart Program:
Currently, all students in grades 2–5 have access to a computer in their classroom and other instructional areas. These computers are to stay in these classrooms/areas and not be removed from that location for any reason other than repair.
1-1 Program:
All students in grades 6–12 have a 1-1 Chromebook. They are to take this device back and forth from school to home in the provided computer bag. Devices are Wi-Fi enabled for at-home connectivity as well as at-school connectivity. When in need of a repair, students are to take the computer to the Media Center and receive a loaner device. The Technology Department will collect all devices throughout the week from the Media Center for repair and return them. At that point, students will turn their loaner back in and receive their computer back. Students are responsible for all damages that are not normal wear and tear on their 1-1 device and the loaner.
Free Internet Access Map
NCPS and Other ISP Cradle Spot Locations for WIFI