NCPS will be offering a clinic at each school site with the VDH team providing the COVID-19 vaccination to students, staff, and family members of the student or staff. A google form is posted below.
A parent/guardian does not need to be present, however the option for consented permission is available. Dates and times for these clinics are as follows:
NHS/NMS: Monday, March 21st 10 am to 2pm
OES: Wednesday, March 23rd 10 am to 2pm
KES: Thursday, March 24th 10 am to 2pm
Locations for the clinics are yet to be determined.
The following technology will be available for students during the 2021-2022 school year: Grades PK- 2- One Tab devices will be sent home for students to use during late openings and school closings. These do not require Internet connectivity. Hotspots are available for any student who lacks Internet connectivity. A check out form is required and is available in the main office. Grades 3-6- Chromebooks are available for checkout for at home learning. A check form is required and is available in the main office. Hotspots are available for any student who lacks Internet connectivity. A check out form is required and is available in the main office. Grades 7-12: Students will be issued a laptop for home and school use. Hotspots are available for any student who lacks Internet connectivity. A check out form is required and is available in the NHS main office.
1) On February 24th the Northampton County School Board met in an open School Board Work Session to discuss the survey results and decide on the qualifications for the new superintendent. Click on the link to listen. The next Superintendent Search meeting will be a closed session meeting with the Virginia School Board Association (VSBA).
2) The Northampton County School Board would like to thank you for your participation in the Superintendent Search Qualification Survey. Click on link to access the February 24, 2022 School Board Special Meeting- New Superintendent Search Criteria Agenda to view the survey results.
3) On February 28th the Superintendent Job Announcement was made live on Frontline Education via the Virginia School Board Association (VSBA). The Northampton County School Board thanks you for your support and input in the Superintendent Qualification Survey. To date, the school board has received three applications. As a reminder, candidate suggestions should be addressed to Mrs. Gina Patterson, Executive DIrector of VSBA.
Estimadas Familias,
El miércoles 16 de febrero, el gobernador Glenn Youngkin convirtió en ley el proyecto de ley 739 del Senado. Elimina todos los requisitos de mascarillas escolares en Virginia.
Como resultado, las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Northampton harán la transición a un entorno de aprendizaje con máscara opcional para todos los estudiantes en nuestros edificios, a partir del miércoles 23 de febrero de 2022. Sin embargo, continuaremos alentando encarecidamente el uso de máscaras como una estrategia clave en nuestros esfuerzos para reducir la propagación de COVID-19 en nuestras escuelas y comunidad.
Al hacer esta transición, nos enfocaremos en mantener un ambiente de aprendizaje positivo y acogedor en el que los estudiantes se sientan cómodos usando una máscara si así lo deciden. Hable con sus hijos sobre su decisión y expectativas sobre sí usarán o no máscaras en la escuela y pídales que respeten las decisiones de otros estudiantes. No se les pedirá a los empleados de la escuela que hagan cumplir las decisiones de los padres sobre el uso de mascarillas.
Es importante tener en cuenta que aún se requerirán máscaras en ciertos casos:
● Según las regulaciones federales, los estudiantes deben continuar usando máscaras en los autobuses escolares.
● Se requerirá que los estudiantes usen máscaras cuando regresen a la escuela los días 6 a 10 después de dar positivo por COVID-19 o ser identificados como un contacto cercano de alguien que es COVID-19 positivo.
● Todos los empleados, visitantes y voluntarios deberán continuar usando máscaras, según los Estándares de la Industria y el Departamento de Trabajo de Virginia, que establecen que los empleados escolares deben usar máscaras en áreas de transmisión comunitaria sustancial o alta, independientemente del estado de vacunación. El condado de Northampton permanece en una fase de "alta transmisión".
Como división escolar, continuaremos revisando y actualizando nuestras estrategias de mitigación para mantener a nuestro personal y estudiantes seguros y nuestras escuelas abiertas por el resto del año escolar. Como siempre, gracias por su flexibilidad, apoyo y comprensión mientras navegamos por los muchos desafíos de la pandemia de COVID-19.
Charles E. Lawrence
All schools receiving ARP ESSER III funding are required to periodically review (and update as necessary) local plans for the Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services. The periodic review process must occur at least every six months, and will include a public hearing during a regularly scheduled School Board meeting to solicit feedback from parents and community stakeholders when considering plan revisions. Your input is vital. Please complete the survey found on the website
Únase a nosotros para el próximo registro de Pre-K
de las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Northampton.
Escuela Primaria De Occohannock
Registraciones En Persona De Pre-K
22 de marzo, 2022, de 2:00-6:00pm
Escuela Primaria De Kiptopeke
Registraciones En Persona De Pre-K
23 de marzo, 2022, de 2:00-6:00pm
Para ser elegible, su hijo debe residir en el condado de Northampton y tener cuatro años antes del 30 de septiembre de 2022. Traiga la documentación de respaldo para registrar a su hijo (prueba de residencia, prueba de ingresos, certificado de nacimiento y vacunas/registros de salud) .
Visite nuestro sitio web para más información:
ViSSTA COVID-19 weekly testing
If you have not registered your student to test and would like to do so please follow these steps:
1.Go to the website
2.Select I'm new
3.Create a username and password
4.Provide all necessary information to complete your account
5.Save your QR code
6. Register each child as a dependent
REGISTRATION ONLY NEEDS TO BE COMPLETED ONCE! Once you are registered your account and consent stay active and your students are able to test every week. The testing team will need to confirm their name and birth date to start a new test each Friday but you do not go back into the portal and submit anything weekly!!
At this time all registered students are scheduled to test every Friday. When the division wide nurse coordinator calls with results she will confirm testing for the following Friday. If you do not want your student to be tested the following Friday simply let her know and they will not be selected to test.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked through the confusion of setting up an active testing pool in the portal. If you have any questions please contact the division wide nurse coordinator Mrs. Brittany Annon at or 757-678-5151 extension 6106
RESCHEDULED MEETING NOTICE: The NCPS School Board meeting scheduled for 2/24/22 is now scheduled for 2/22/22 and will take place in the Auditorium of Northampton High School at 6:00 pm. At 6:00, the public is invited to provide input on the Superintendent's search criteria. At 7:30, the public is invited to provide input on the 2022-2023 budget. The meeting will conclude with a presentation from Skanska on the NHS/NMS Revitalization Project
On 2/24/22, the NCPS School Board will hold a work session at 5 pm in the Central Office Conference Room for a discussion on new superintendent qualifications.
Dear NCPS Families, I apologize for the misinformation and confusion around signing up for the ViSSTA testing. ViSSTA registration is required only once! Once you have registered as a parent and included your students as dependents they are signed-up and will remain eligible to test every week. The posted how-to-guide is the correct information. If you have any questions please contact Brittany Annon at or 757-678-5151 extension 6106
Northampton County Public Schools introduces a new school board. From left to right, Jo Ann P. Molera, District 4; William J. Oakley, District 5; Vice-Chair, Liz Jones, District 1; Betty Borden, District 3; Chairperson, Charlena Jones, At-Large Member; Hélène B. Doughty, District 2; and Jill G. Bieri, At-Large Member.
The following technology will be available for students during the 2021-2022 school year: Grades PK- 2- One Tab devices will be sent home for students to use during late openings and school closings. These do not require Internet connectivity. Hotspots are available for any student who lacks Internet connectivity. A check out form is required and is available in the main office. Grades 3-6- Chromebooks are available for checkout for at home learning. A check form is required and is available in the main office. Hotspots are available for any student who lacks Internet connectivity. A check out form is required and is available in the main office. Grades 7-12: Students will be issued a laptop for home and school use. Hotspots are available for any student who lacks Internet connectivity. A check out form is required and is available in the NHS main office.
The School Enhancement Committee will meet on February 14, 2022 in the NHS Media Center at 2:00 pm. RESCHEDULED MEETING NOTICE: The NCPS School Board meeting scheduled for 2/24/22 is now scheduled for 2/22/22 and will take place in the Auditorium of Northampton High School at 6:00 pm. At 6:00, the public is invited to provide input on the Superintendent's search criteria. At 7:30, the public is invited to provide input on the 2022-2023 budget. The meeting will conclude with a presentation from Skanska on the NHS/NMS Revitalization ProjectOn 2/24/22, the NCPS School Board will hold a work session at 5 pm in the Central Office Conference Room for a discussion on new superintendent qualifications.
ViSSTA COVID-19 Testing registration for staff and students must be done every week! Parents are supposed to log back onto the website as a returning user and consent to the next week's testing by Thursday night to be tested the following Friday. This consent and registration must be done every week in order to be tested.
Dear NCPS families,
Please accept my sincere apologies about the confusion around how to register for COVID-19 weekly testing. The parental/guardian how to guide was accidentally dropped from the vendors login email.
This information is forthcoming from our vendor and once received will be uploaded to the division website and sent home again on ClassTag.
In the meantime if you would like to register prior to receiving the how to guide please know that the parent must register themselves first and then register each student as a dependent. If you have already registered your student I will work with the vendor to make sure your consent form and their registration is complete for Friday February 4th testing.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me at or 757-678-5151 extension 6106. If the call is missed please leave a voicemail and I will return your call
Northampton County Public Schools will continue its mask mandate pending further action from the school board.
Free COVID-19 Testing Information Session
NCPS will begin participating in a program called ViSSTA with our vendor LTS. This program is 100% voluntary and open to registration for all staff and students. An informational session will be held to explain and answer questions on Wednesday January 19th from 6pm-8pm on zoom. Please see the instructions below to join :
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 893 6382 4921
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Meeting ID: 893 6382 4921
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The following technology will be available for students during the 2021-2022 school year: Grades PK- 2- One Tab devices will be sent home for students to use during late openings and school closings. These do not require Internet connectivity. Hotspots are available for any student who lacks Internet connectivity. A check out form is required and is available in the main office. Grades 3-6- Chromebooks are available for checkout for at home learning. A check form is required and is available in the main office. Hotspots are available for any student who lacks Internet connectivity. A check out form is required and is available in the main office. Grades 7-12: Students will be issued a laptop for home and school use. Hotspots are available for any student who lacks Internet connectivity. A check out form is required and is available in the NHS main office.
During this current climate and surge of COVID-19 cases in the community, the Eastern Shore Health District of the Virginia Department of Health has notified the school system that they can no longer make notifications to the individual schools. The overwhelming number of cases that need to be followed up individually and tracked for the whole Eastern Shore community is too many to notify each school of every positive case and exposure.
Therefore, these notifications to the schools are to be made by the families themselves. If you or your student has been exposed to COVID-19 or has tested positive for COVID-19 resulting in the need to quarantine or isolate, please call the school nurse at the extensions listed below.
NCPS phone number – 757-678-5151
NHS/NMS Bonnie Porter – 4470
OES Tammy Taylor – 8106
KES Brittany Annon – 6106
The school nurse will then make sure your student’s attendance is marked accordingly and that make up work will be made available. If you receive a return to school note from a medical provider for your student, please turn that into the school attendance clerk for their file.
Thank you for your understanding and support
Superintendent Lawrence Responds to threatening TikTok post:
Yesterday, a TikTok post was circulating regarding a threat to school safety. This post appears to be part of a national TikTok challenge trend - no threat was specifically made to any Northampton County Public School After learning about the posts, I consulted with Sheriff Doughty to implement additional precautionary measures with our Middle and High School students. All schools opened successfully today, without incident, and the Sheriff's office continues to
provide extra coverage on our campuses. Our schools will continue to operate in a normal manner. This incident serves as a good opportunity to share with your children the importance of avoiding the sharing of posts and challenges referring to school threats. We ask you to assist with monitoring your child's use of social
networking. If you or your child is aware of any threats that are posted to social media, please notify your child's school or the Superintendent's office.