15 de diciembre, 2021
Estimados Padres y Guardianes De NCPS Parents,
Es posible que enfrentemos algunas inclemencias del tiempo en los próximos meses que pueden impedir los servicios educativos en persona en las ubicaciones de nuestras escuelas. Para mitigar los desafíos causados por el mal tiempo, las escuelas de NCPS ofrecerán servicios educativos virtuales, ya que estamos obligados a cumplir con un número mínimo de horas de instrucción. Se tomará la asistencia de su hijo y el Departamento de Educación de Virginia permitirá que el aprendizaje virtual cuente las horas de instrucción hasta diez días al año.
Nos gustaría informarle sobre el plan de NCPS para continuar la instrucción de forma remota si surge la necesidad. Queremos asegurarnos de que todos estén preparados para proporcionar aprendizaje educativo de forma remota en caso de cierre. Como medida proactiva, queremos asegurar expectativas claras antes de cualquier incidente. https://5il.co/138mh
The following technology will be available for students during the 2021-2022 school year: Grades PK- 2- One Tab devices will be sent home for students to use during late openings and school closings. These do not require Internet connectivity. Hotspots are available for any student who lacks Internet connectivity. A check out form is required and is available in the main office. Grades 3-6- Chromebooks are available for checkout for at home learning. A check form is required and is available in the main office. Hotspots are available for any student who lacks Internet connectivity. A check out form is required and is available in the main office. Grades 7-12: Students will be issued a laptop for home and school use. Hotspots are available for any student who lacks Internet connectivity. A check out form is required and is available in the NHS main office.
NCPS Homeless Children and Youth Needs Assessment
Northampton County Public Schools is receiving funding through the American Rescue Plan ESSER Fund for Homeless Children and Youth. Please provide input to help us make the best use of these funds to meet the needs of the Northampton County students who are experiencing homelessness.
Please take this short survey to help us make the best use of ESSER funding for homeless children and youth. Thank you very much! Your input is greatly appreciated!
Northampton County School Board Public Hearing on ESSER Budget
At its regular meeting on November 11, 2021, at 6 pm, the Northampton County School Board, located in the Conference Room of the Central Administration Bldg., @ 7207 Young Street, Machipongo, VA will hold the biannual Public Hearing regarding the use of American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding. A brief presentation will be provided prior to the public hearing, describing the Division’s plans for use of ARP funding for virus prevention and mitigation, addressing learning loss, and supporting the academic, emotional, and mental health needs of students and staff. Immediately following the presentation, the Board will hear comments from parents and other community
stakeholders for consideration when determining if adjustments to the ARP spending plan are necessary. For additional information, contact Mrs. Karen Pitt at (757) 678-5151 ext. #2002.
The following technology will be available for students during the 2021-2022 school year: Grades PK- 2- One Tab devices will be sent home for students to use during late openings and school closings. These do not require Internet connectivity. Hotspots are available for any student who lacks Internet connectivity. A check out form is required and is available in the main office. Grades 3-6- Chromebooks are available for checkout for at home learning. A check form is required and is available in the main office. Hotspots are available for any student who lacks Internet connectivity. A check out form is required and is available in the main office. Grades 7-12: Students will be issued a laptop for home and school use. Hotspots are available for any student who lacks Internet connectivity. A check out form is required and is available in the NHS main office.
COVID-19 Vaccine Interest Survey
This survey is to see if you would be interested in allowing your student to receive the Covid Vaccine during parent teacher conference day on October 12th at the Northampton High School. A parent or guardian must be present with the student during the shot and the 15 minute evaluation afterwards. This is only available for students 12-18 years of age. Responses are due by Friday October 8th
We’re thrilled to announce Northampton County Public Schools new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, even emergency notifications! Download the app on Android: https://bit.ly/31V15jd or iPhone: https://apple.co/3dITutv.
The following technology will be available for students during the 2021-2022 school year:
Grades PK- 2- One Tab devices will be sent home for students to use during late openings and school closings. These do not require Internet connectivity. Hotspots are available for any student who lacks Internet connectivity. A check out form is required and is available in the main office.
Grades 3-6- Chromebooks are available for checkout for at home learning. A check form is required and is available in the main office. Hotspots are available for any student who lacks Internet connectivity. A check out form is required and is available in the main office.
Grades 7-12: Students will be issued a laptop for home and school use. Hotspots are available for any student who lacks Internet connectivity. A check out form is required and is available in the NHS main office.
COMPUTERS AVAILABLE FOR GRADE 3-6 STUDENTS! HOTSPOTS AVAILABLE FOR ALL! Please follow the steps below to check out a laptop or hotspot: 1. Obtain a check out form from your child's school 2. Indicate whether you need a laptop (Graded 3-6) or a hotspot (all grades) *** Grade 7-12 students should check out devices from the NHS Media Center 3. Submit completed form back to your child's school 4. The NCPS Tech Dept. will process you request. Technology will be delivered to your child's school. Grade 3-6 Laptops and all grade level Hotspots should remain at home for at home learning tasks.
NCPS 2021-2022 BUS ROUTES AVAILABLE HERE: https://northamptoncpsva.sites.thrillshare.com/page/operationsdepartment. Check back frequently. Routes and drop off and pick up times are subject to change.
Please make alternate arrangements if a responsible adult will not be at the bus stop to receive your child(ren). Bus passes will NOT be granted under any circumstances. Our buses are routed for maximum capacity as well as for COVID safety measures, therefore we cannot accommodate students to ride on a different bus.
Guidelines for COVID-19 Prevention in K-12 Schools: Click the link for more information.
Welcome NCPS students and families to the 2021-22 school year! Check out a special video made just for you from our new teachers that will air tomorrow (8/31), around 5:20 AM and 6:20 AM on WAVY-TV 10 and 7:55 AM on Fox 43.
Check back frequently. Routes and drop off and pick up times are subject to change,.
Click on the link to view NCPS This Is Us: NCPS Partners With EVMS
Coordinator of Professional Learning, Mrs. Robin Ward is hard at work preparing to welcome the new teachers to Northampton County Public Schools!
A Great Article on Solving Families’ Back-to-School Jitters
Attention NMS Students, Parents, and Guardians! There will be a meeting in the NHS auditorium on September 2, 2021 at 5:00 pm for all NMS students who are interested in playing sports.